Here’s What Others Are Saying About SureSight
For Defense and CCW I would recommend these hands down.
Dave W.Pennsylvania
These sights are great! I found pin point shooting not a problem. The sights shine when it comes to rapid shooting. I can’t believe how they performed in rapid fire. It’s very easy to focus on the target and let the sights align themselves.. I have had a set for a long time now. I am up and well over 2000rds now with them on. I shoot better and better every time I shoot. I have become so proficient with them I keep both eyes open and focus on the target and the sights are kind of fuzzy, but they line right up and I can hit center mass every time. They almost become translucent while I focus on my target. When I first got my Glock I was shooting horrible low and left. These sights help me right out. My cold shots from a draw have drastically improved and so have follow up shots.
I spent about two hours at the indoor range yesterday and the sights worked great. I was able to tear the head and chest out of a silhouette target. Point of aim was right on after a small left/right adjustment. I shot all the way to 30 yards which was max at this range. The front sight just seems to float in mid air and when the triangle is complete and on the target I was dead on. They have helped my IDPA scores remarkably and really help these old eyes get on target.
I think a lot of folks can benefit from this set up and not just us "Old Guys"!
Frank T.
As a law enforcement range instructor, I have found the Sure Sight to be an invaluable tool particularly for shooters with less than perfect eyesight. In the case of shooters wearing bifocals or with depth perception issues, the Sure Sight has virtually eliminated the need for one to assume an artificial head position to obtain an accurate sight picture. As a user of the Sure Sight, I have found it to be the first sight system that allows an immediate clear front sight picture without interference from the rear sight, resulting in noticeably more accurate shot placement.
Eric B.Boulder, Colorado Sheriff's Department
This sight system is hands down the fastest and best combat sighting system available. But don’t just take it from me, I showed the SureSights around work and 12 of the 15 officers I showed them to are in the process of ordering their own sets.
Carl S.Louisvill Metropolitan Dept of Corrections
...The bright yellow triangle seems to line itself up automatically. I never had to concentrate on it, and yet the sights always seemed to be lined up. It was almost magical the way the sight wanted to align itself, regardless of whether focusing on the front sight or the target...
Over the years I have tried just about every type of pistol sight made, and the SureSight is the fastest, easiest to align, most highly visible, close range defense sight I’ve ever used.
Bob F.Retired SWAT officer
"As a member of an Emergency Response Team responsible for terrorist interdiction, I am always interested in new equipment that can make me more effective at my job. I have found SureSight to be fast and easy to align in both daytime and low light conditions. They are currently in use on my daily carry Glock."
Eli H.Matityahu, Israel